When it comes to mean girls/bad girls on TV, we have plenty to choices. I'll be listing below my personal favorites because I like nothing more than a bad girl well played. Stay tuned for part 2; The Mean Girls of Movies.
#5: Edie Britt, Desperate Housewives.

Portrayed by: Nicollette Sheridan.
In Wistery Lane, Edie Britt was the evil woman that lived down the street. Strong-headed, self-employed and all around bitch, Edie would taunt the women of Wisteria Lane restlessly while also wishing to be accepted in Susan, Bree, Gaby and Lynette's circle. During her time on Desperate Housewives, Edie's victim was, most of the time, Susan. From fighting for Mike's attention to manipulating the same Mike into a relationship with her, Edie makes sure she gets what she wants. She might have not tagged "Whore" on Susan's garage, but she certainly thought about it.

What I Like About This Bad Girl: Edie's straight to the point, she does not play around and she goes after what she wants. She had a genuine friendship with Martha Huber and suffered from her lost. She also wanted, almost desperately, to be friends with the other housewives.
#4: Brenda Walsh, Beverly Hills 90210.
Portrayed by: Nicollette Sheridan.
In Wistery Lane, Edie Britt was the evil woman that lived down the street. Strong-headed, self-employed and all around bitch, Edie would taunt the women of Wisteria Lane restlessly while also wishing to be accepted in Susan, Bree, Gaby and Lynette's circle. During her time on Desperate Housewives, Edie's victim was, most of the time, Susan. From fighting for Mike's attention to manipulating the same Mike into a relationship with her, Edie makes sure she gets what she wants. She might have not tagged "Whore" on Susan's garage, but she certainly thought about it.
What I Like About This Bad Girl: Edie's straight to the point, she does not play around and she goes after what she wants. She had a genuine friendship with Martha Huber and suffered from her lost. She also wanted, almost desperately, to be friends with the other housewives.
#4: Brenda Walsh, Beverly Hills 90210.

Portrayed by: Shannen Doherty.
Some could argue that the twin of Brendon Walsh is not really a mean girl, but I think otherwise. Cindy and Jim's daughter has always been much of a troublemaker. From slapping straight-A student Andrea to running to Mexico with Dylan without her parents' permission, Brenda wasn't exactly an angel throughout the popular series. She might have not bullied, but she certainly was a bitch. She fought with friends and family restlessly. She cheated on her boyfriend, she lied to another boy. She ran away from home, drop-out of college after a week and wind up in jail. Add that to none-stop whining and bickering, and you have a proper mean/bad girl.
Why I Like This Bad Girl: Brenda was a bitch, but she was a nice enough bitch. She might have put herself first a lot during the series, but I do remember her being there for her friends when they really needed her. Also, she had an awesome relationship with her twin, Brandon.
#3: Kim Kelly, Geeks and Freaks.
Portrayed by: Busy Phillips.
Kim Kelly is a straight up bully. She is unapologetic and doesn't care about what people think of her. If she thinks something, she'll say it. Usually, it's nice-girl Lindsay Weir who's the victim of her mood swings and restless picking. She'll not only attack you with her words, but she'll physically fight you. She won't care whether or not you are a boy or a girl, if she thinks you did her wrong, Kim Kelly will go after you. Her longtime boyfriend Daniel better beware, Kim Kelly isn't letting anybody walk over her.

Why I Like This Bad Girl: For a few episodes, Kim Kelly is view only as an ugly bully who hangs out with a bunch of misfits. However, after watching the episode where you meet her family (particularly her mother), you get to see another side of this bad girl. You get to see under the mask, her sensitive side. And, eventually, she makes nice with Lindsay and becomes friends with her.
#2: Abby Morgan, Dawson's Creek.

Portrayed by: Monica Keena.
Portrayed by: Monica Keena.
Abby Morgan's time on Dawson's Creek might have been short, but it was quite memorable. Seems like the word mean was crafted after her. She ruled the school with sharp and witty insults directed towards Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Jen. At Capeside High, everyone was walking on eggshells around Abby, fearing they could be her next victim. She befriended Jen, encouraged her to drink, pressured her to steal and betrayed her in the end. She exposed good-girl-Andie's painful family secrets to the entire school. Abby was pretty much responsible for every nasty rumors that rocked the school.

Why I Like This Bad Girl: She was nasty and didn't mind going dirty. However, Abby was a good comical relief in the sometimes too serious Dawson's Creek. She had some sass. Not to forget how she made everyone loosen up in the episode "Detention" with a game of Truth or Dare. In the end, Abby took a plunge into the water and never came back up.
#1: Cordelia Chase, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Portrayed by: Charisma Carpenter.
Cordelia Chase is the ultimate high school mean girl. She started nasty rumors about Buffy the day after she enrolled into Sunnydale High. She would torment Willow, Xander and Buffy, calling them out for being "losers" and "freaks". She tried to eliminate competition by bullying some of the other candidates when she tried-out for the cheerleading squad. Eventually, she joined their group in season two. However, that didn't stop her from speaking her mind and being very straight forward. Cordelia stayed truth to herself throughout the series.

Why I Like This Bad Girl: Sassy, sharp and witty, Cordelia has it all. She is well-dressed and ready to impress. She is an extremely strong woman who's also incredibly sensitive. She had a cute little romance with Xander. She owned the fact that she dated a "geek" and didn't what other people thought about it. She was fearless in front of danger and fought tooth and nail against evil.

Why I Like This Bad Girl: She was nasty and didn't mind going dirty. However, Abby was a good comical relief in the sometimes too serious Dawson's Creek. She had some sass. Not to forget how she made everyone loosen up in the episode "Detention" with a game of Truth or Dare. In the end, Abby took a plunge into the water and never came back up.
#1: Cordelia Chase, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Portrayed by: Charisma Carpenter.
Cordelia Chase is the ultimate high school mean girl. She started nasty rumors about Buffy the day after she enrolled into Sunnydale High. She would torment Willow, Xander and Buffy, calling them out for being "losers" and "freaks". She tried to eliminate competition by bullying some of the other candidates when she tried-out for the cheerleading squad. Eventually, she joined their group in season two. However, that didn't stop her from speaking her mind and being very straight forward. Cordelia stayed truth to herself throughout the series.
Why I Like This Bad Girl: Sassy, sharp and witty, Cordelia has it all. She is well-dressed and ready to impress. She is an extremely strong woman who's also incredibly sensitive. She had a cute little romance with Xander. She owned the fact that she dated a "geek" and didn't what other people thought about it. She was fearless in front of danger and fought tooth and nail against evil.
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